Sustainability InnoCenter launches invitation for BIA-SIC-202401 Tender submissions

The Sustainability InnoCenter Ekonomisk förening (Sweden) is launching a tender procedure for purchase of non-formal education services within the BIA project

The “Triple Bottom Line Baltic Impact Accelerator” (BIA) project tackles the challenges of new growth companies in the Central Baltic region by utilising the Triple Bottom Line (3BL) methodology that enables more growth (Profit) with specific consideration towards environment (Planet) and society (People). As a result, the scaling-up of companies is tackled at three levels: Profit, Planet, People. More information about the project is available here:

During the project period until March 2026, three cohorts of 32 companies in each will be supported by non-formal education services within an accelerator programme, that:
1) Develops new business models with focus on 3BL,
2) Helps to establish presence outside home markets,
3) Supports to raise investments for accelerated growth,
4) Nurtures consortiums and partnerships among companies.

The present tendering procedure aims to select Provider(s) to support the implementation of non-formal education services and is divided into the following Lots:

Lots description

Expected duration of the contract within current Tender: 15 February – 31 July 2024.

Tender proposals shall be submitted by Google form (with attachments) by 23:59 on 10th of January 2024 (CET).

All questions shall be submitted at least 2 (two) working days before the deadline for submission of the tender and shall be exclusively addressed to with the following reference in subject: BIA-SIC-202401.

Full description of the terms and conditions of the present tender and further Providers’ involvement:

Terms of Reference within Tender BIA-SIC-202401

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