SIC’s Identity

Fostering specialised knowledge, experience and cooperative partnerships we are unique in our clear, specific and pragmatic approach with all those we cooperate with reliability, objectivity, and exceptional knowledge. We at SIC strive for honest and open communication with all our partners, members and supporters, building a foundation of prosperous and fruitful relationships. Without such trust and honesty, a good cooperation between the members cannot flourish.

Fostering specialized knowledge, experience and cooperative partnerships we are unique in our clear, specific and pragmatic approach with all those we cooperate with. Reliability, objectivity, and exceptional knowledge are our most valued assets.


SIC has a systems thinking approach on Sustainability. Our team’s vision is to deeply understand how each part interacts and impacts the other parts, as well as the entire system.So rather than analyzing or studying just one department of a business when making decisions, the SIC leaders using systems thinking will focus on the big picture and identify the roles that each part plays in achieving an overall positive result.

Systems thinking promotes the idea that to remedy a problem, we must understand the entirety of the issue at hand, rather than focusing on only one area.Our aim is to be a responsible in a long-term sustainable society. That is why we work daily to develop our sustainability work with the emphasis on three areas: how we create increased partner value, how we contribute to a sustainable society, and how we take responsibility in all areas of the whole life cycle & value chain.


We dare to be different and use our unique perspectives for creating new solutions for our partners. This is the defining component of our innovative thinking. Our close ties to Uppsala University and the Center of Sustainable Development (CEMUS) help us to connect new ideas with those who want them. In many cases fostering breakthrough projects. As Albert Einstein once said “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when creating them”. Open discussions with direct feedback help us create an environment where new ideas can thrive. Ambition and empathy drive us to great heights!


As dedicated supporters of sustainability the SIC team is financially self-sustained. The economical sustainability of the organisation is achieved thanks to our partners, supporters and projects for sustainable solutions. The optimal solution balances both economic and environmental success. Profitability is important in the actuation of our goals and investments however project financing is mainly distributed among employees in reward for their valuable input. Our team consists of qualified, unique and positive characters (with special consideration to a good sense of humor) who are dedicated into sustainability and the environment. Personal development for our team is fundamental to our aims and therefore equality key to our organization.