Webinars on behavioural incentives towards sustainable mobility

Over the past month, as part of the DyMoN project, we have successfully hosted two out of four webinars, each offering an interdisciplinary perspective on the theme of motivating sustainable urban mobility.

The first webinar delved into “An Interdisciplinary View on Sustainable Urban Mobility Behavior,” while the second explored “Digitally-Enabled Behavior Change for Sustainable Mobility.”

Our esteemed guests for these sessions were Claudia Luger-Bazinger, Senior Innovation Researcher at Salzburg Research, and Dr. Martin Loidl, leading the Mobility Lab at Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg. These engaging discussions were moderated by Harry Stamatopoulos.

The upcoming webinars will cover the topics of “Using Data to Support Sustainable Mobility Behavior” and “Learnings and Recommendations for Sustainable Mobility from the Dynamic Mobility Nudge Project.”

During our upcoming seminar on February 1st, we will conclude the webinar series by discussing the outcomes and proof of concept including digital nudges. This Hackathon on Sustainable Mobility, was a collaborative effort organized by Sustainability InnoCenter and its partners in Uppsala, Sweden. The Hackathon provided insights into the innovative solutions , highlighting the impactful contributions to sustainable mobility.

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